TCPA Risks
We are all aware that the new TCPA rules are going to be very strictly enforced. We are also all aware that most telemarketing companies are run offshore and it is very difficult to determine if they are utilizing non-compliant software.
Agency Compliance
In order to remain in good standing , agents are required to utilize approved phone systems, computers and software. So hiring outside companies to dial leads for your agency is risky. And, purchasing live transfers is very expensive and it won't make sense for most agencies to produce a reasonable return on investment.
Hiring Inside Telemarketers
Hiring your own telemarketer is fraught with difficulty. First of all, you have to find someone willing to work in a repetitive and difficult position. And for every 10 telemarketers you might hire, train and invest time, maybe one will actually make it. And if that one excellent telemarketer becomes sick or goes on vacation, you’re scrambling to hit variable comp. If they find a new job you’re starting over, sifting through another 10 candidates. It's too much work. time and money for most agencies to accomplish in house.
The 12 Live Advantage
12 Live has a pool of telemarketers that are background check approved. They have compliant computers, and they understand how to dial out of lead manager. They can drop into your agency easily, and if they become sick or go on vacation we can replace them with another marketer from our team. Thereby giving you a fluid immediate pipeline without the thousands of dollars wasted on internal recruiting and training efforts.